Today I would like to introduce you to Kathleen Taylor! You may already know her work, but if not, Kathleen is an amazing artist and a lovely person and I felt so blessed to be able to speak with her at The Country Living Fair this year!
I had admired her work before on the website, and I was so excited to "round the corner" and see her booth for the first time. Upon introducing myself, It became apparent what a warm and open person she is as well as what a great sense of humor she possesses! It is clear when you view her paintings that she has a fun and irreverent approach to life. Even better, she happens to be successful at sharing that perspective in some pretty amazing works of art. She has many subjects in her paintings including animals, flowers, funny ladies and more! As you can see in her pieces below, her use of color is masterful and heavenly. I hope you enjoy viewing her artwork as much as I do!
Please take a moment to visit her facebook page, simply search Kathleen Taylor on facebook, she has a page! You can also find some current paintings at :
Kathleen mentioned that she is working on a new site where she will be selling her artwork as well, so as soon as I find out that has been completed, I will do an update on the post and feature her site in the artist column in the right sidebar!
Thank you Kathleen for sharing your talent! I enjoyed meeting you and I look forward to seeing your new website! best wishes and keep painting!