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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Release Your Creative Mojo! Wool, Felting and Pumpkins Oh My!

Well it is time to pull that felting basket back out of the cabinet and start teaching myself how to felt!  At the end of last year, I entered the world of felting by purchasing 2 needles and some felting wool. I came home, watched a 5 minute video on YouTube ( you can learn to make anything from a youtube tutorial) and  30 minutes later, I had created a little bluebird.  I was blown away. Now granted, it was a scary little bird, but it WAS a bird.

Well things got a bit busy for me soon after, so I put my basket aside to pick up at a later date.  While that basket sat in the cabinet, my imagination ran wild and I had several ideas about items that I could create...and today I opened up that door to give myself a little refresher.  Now I have only created that one famous bluebird, so my version of a "refresher" actually means, I need to teach myself how to felt because I have some ideas that I want to get cracking on! I thought I would start small, literally.  A pumpkin sounded good...here goes...

So here is my masterpiece!  My first pumpkin...I know, I know, I have a long way to go, but most of the ideas that I have only include a small amount of felting and I will need to use my "jewelry making" experience to execute the rest.  I need to keep practicing so I guess I will be attempting all sorts of creations to get some techniques down....I have a  feeling I will have my own version of a pumpkin patch before this is over.

Well, I need to get back to the pumpkins, but I want to share some photos of the inspiration that occupies a corner of my studio...calling for me to get started on these new ideas that I have been pondering for quite some time! As you will see, it is quite hard to resist. Just a big bowl full of goodness...

Well, stay tuned...Hopefully over the next month or so I will bring my ideas to fruition and I will share them with you here...and if all else fails I will have a collection of pumpkins, right?

Do you knit, crochet or felt?  I would love to hear from any amazing fiber artists out there!  Aww, come on, don't be shy!  Also, do you know of any good classes?  We are certainly surrounded by some wicked good talent, so if you have participated in any notable classes in Western North Carolina or Upstate South Carolina,  please comment!

Stay tuned to see my ideas come to life. What are you creating right now?

1 comment:

  1. O.K.!!!!! I want to purchase a pumpkin.....ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE....Where do i purchase it? I can't imagine that is a first attempt, mine would look like and orange raisin. LOVE IT, LOVE IT !!!!!! Penny


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