This is the first post in a series that will feature artists whom I admire and their original artwork. Whether you like sculpture, paintings, prints or photography, you have access to the most talented artists and their works from all over the your fingertips.
Some of you may not even be sure what you prefer yet, or even if you prefer. Your living room may be sporting a faded hand-me-down print of a mauve house with a garden full of neon orange flowers. You may love it....or maybe you just never thought that much about it.(by the way, you should take a moment to think about it) There are so many sites that offer artwork at a range of prices from $1.50 and up. You can search by subject matter, medium, size, and price. Who could ask for more?
Today I am featuring an artist recently discovered from an article regarding outsider folk art. His name is Bob Hoke and I love the energy, colors and composition of his pieces. I am a collector of all that is "outsider art" and I was so excited to recently receive three of his pieces. He lives a very simple life in Hannibal, Missouri and sells his paintings in galleries all over the country and on ebay.
His art has a sense of humor and is extremely affordable....for now. His work can be found on ebay and he also shows up on google searches easily when queried as "Bob Hoke outsider art."
Outsider art not your cup of tea? No just leaves more for me! Then try,, and to get started!