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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Livin' Large in a Tiny House

I always loved small houses.  I am not sure why, I can only guess that it has something to do with my allergic reactions to heavy duty cleaning...More space, more allergies.  No, not really.  I have always lived in small homes/apartments/sheds/dorms etc.  I use this variety of labels for my former abodes because well, frankly I think I have lived in at least one of each at some time in my life.

All of these homes have one common theme...they are all small (and very home-y, but this is a post about small living spaces).  It is NOT that I don't like large houses....I always appreciate any size home that is warm and reflects the personality of the owner.  I just ADORE small houses and I will always live in one.

Just a couple of reasons that I believe small house living is the way to go:

  • Easier to keep clean
  • Less space, less clutter
  • Less time wasted looking for items
  • No yelling to locate your house guests or tell someone that the phone is for him/her.
  • More decorating budget per square inch...instead of 12 nice lamps, you have 4 fabulous lamps
  • Less stuff, less stuff to break and less to repair
  • cozy, cozy, cozy

If you are not aware of the tiny house movement, you should check it out.  There are communities popping up all over the country.  Now, there are tiny houses and then there are tiny houses, if you know what I mean. There are the tiny house extremist survivalist dwellers and then there are those that just enjoy the simpler lifestyle and the aesthetic.  More power to you if you are off the grid, but I just happen to be a fan of the grid. I could have a party celebrating the grid on a monthly basis.

Maybe you are not a candidate for the tiny house just yet, but what about a tiny house as a second home, first? Imagine a tiny cottage on a lake, or in the mountains? That would be a great way to start taking the time to enjoy the scenery and a simpler way of living.

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