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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

House Rules....What House Rules?

I am passionate about color.  Color is transformative in every context.  Even more interesting to me, are the colors we choose to surround ourselves with in our homes.  If you really want to understand more about a person, then make sure you get to see her home.

We have all had those situations where we meet a new friend or co-worker and although we can certainly get to know that person on many levels in multiple contexts, we always look forward to seeing his or her home.  Why?  I am certain there are many members of The Decor Police out there, but that is not what I am getting at. We really just want to see our friend's home because in a way, it is the final piece of the puzzle in her personality.

  •  Is she quirky and eclectic in her approach to decor?  
  • Does he have a lot of collections on display?
  • Is he a minimalist?
  • Does each pet have his own bedroom?
  • Does she have a home full of original artwork?
  • Does she have a large collection of black and white photography?

 It isn't about wearing white gloves and wiping the top of the television when nobody is looking... her house helps to tell her story, all of our stories.

You quickly discover what is important to her and what is not important to her...  You see if he is a funky dresser but has a very traditional home.... or if she loves the color pink and every room in her house is painted blush to bubble gum.

Our homes tell the story of "Us."  What does your home say about you?

I have included a picture of  my guest bedroom before I moved in, (that the lovely owner allowed me to take) and again after I moved in.  Here is a perfect example of the differences in taste and personalities. Enjoy!

Before My Home Purchase

After I Made it My Own

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